Social media post ideas for coffee shops

Social media post ideas for coffee shops

When it comes to your coffee shop, you must do everything you can to keep people walking through your door. You’ve no doubt tried to hire the best staff and purchased the best beans, but what about your social media? Social media is a great tool that can help you to...
Social media post ideas for virtual assistants

Social media post ideas for virtual assistants

Social media has become one of the most effective tools out there for promotion – especially when it comes to small businesses. As a virtual assistant, unless you get all of your work exclusively from one client or agency, you are a small business and you need...
Social media post ideas for subscription box businesses

Social media post ideas for subscription box businesses

Starting a subscription box business box can often feel like the easy part. Simply find something that you’re passionate about, source the items for your box, create a great box design, and build a website. Seems simple enough right? Well, heaving a great idea is only...
A step-by-step guide to running a Facebook competition or giveaway

A step-by-step guide to running a Facebook competition or giveaway

Everyone loves a winner, which is why running Facebook competitions are such a great idea! Not only do they allow you to generate some buzz and excitement, but they also allow you to give something back to your audience. If done correctly, they can also be a great...
How often should small businesses post on their blog? 

How often should small businesses post on their blog? 

From the day businesses began posting on social media, the same question has been asked – how often should you post? The same question applies to all marketing activities, including blogs. Like most things in life, there is not a one size fits all answer....

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